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[AT-693970-702] Poroshell 120, HPH-C18, 4.6x150mm, 4um, BC

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[AT-693970-702] Poroshell 120, HPH-C18, 4.6x150mm, 4um, BC

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1/ Nắp nhôm trắng đóng chuẩn1000 cái/túi 5190-9066 Agilent (Mỹ)

2/ Loop ST 0.5 100 microlit SI/SI Cai 01078-87302 Agilent (Mỹ)

3/ Drain valve seal1 CÁI/GÓI 885-2920 HITACHI (Nhật Bản)

4/ Seal (ED)- HITACHI1 CÁI/GÓI 655-1080 HITACHI (Nhật Bản)

Ảnh đại diện

Danh mục hàng hóa Hãng/Nước sản xuất Đơn vị tính Số lượng Mã hàng yêu cầu

Cột anion Thermo/Mỹ Cái 1 064149

Cột cation Thermo/Mỹ Cái 1 046073

ECD anhode Thermo/Mỹ Cái 1 21600210

FID jet Thermo/Mỹ Cái 2 40402200

Suppresor cation Thermo/Mỹ Cái 1 DIONEX CDRS 600 4MM

Tiền cột anion Thermo/Mỹ Cái 1 082540

Tiền cột cation Thermo/Mỹ Cái 1 088668CMD

Ảnh đại diện

Piston, sapphire, 100 µL, for 1100, 1200, 1260, 1120, 1220 pump and autosampler 5063-6586

Piston seal, PTFE 5063-6589

Seal wash PTFE for 1260, 1290, 1220, 1200, 1100 pumps, 1 /pk 0905-1175

Seal wash gasket, 6/pk 5062-2484

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Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks and/or names or their products and are the property of their respective owners. We disclaims proprietary interest in the marks and names of others.™ and other™ brand name mentioned herein are the property of the Gimium™ Ecosystem.

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